Hi All,
Slept pretty well, but still dealing with this cold bug. Frustrating. I have been posted for a night off tonight. Sigh.
Big news in Haiti of course today. The old president Baby Doc flew into Haiti two days ago. The translators that night reported that thousands had gone to the airport in Port au Prince to welcome him back. Hard to understand, as from what I can gather (without being able to google and research) Baby Doc was a brutal dictator and has been living in France for 20 years. He has been arrested today and that's all we have heard. Makes one sad that the people here are so desperate for leadership that some may even be willing to accept a known despot back again. :(
So add his return to the incendiary political situation here and it's hard to say what will happen. Samaritan's Purse people working right in Port au Prince have been pulled out because the streets are full of demonstrations. Hopefully it will remain peaceful. Pray it stays so.
Cite Soleil day shift is working so far, and I am sure they are keeping a close eye on the events that may effect Cite nights. It's weird to be sitting out on the base and not knowing what is happening in the countryside around you. What I do know, for certain, is that Samaritan's Purse security is second to none, and they are ultra careful with us. They allow us to do what we do....with no worries. :)
So you can do something for us here.... Pray, as always for safety. And if you hear any hard facts on the news, I wouldn't mind a short email about it.
Plan is to begin the journey back home on Saturday. I am a little anxious that the current events may effect that. But that is in God's hands.