Hi all,
A bit of a hiatus in the blog. Haiti was such a great experience, and an intense one as you have read.
Haiti still needs the world's support. I have heard through a few of my Haitian contacts that the Samaritan's purse Cholera Treatment centres are still operating, last patient census numbers from 10-40 patients each day. So pretty stable from when I as there serving. Time will tell when the rainy season comes to Haiti if cholera will rise again. Hoping that the water treatment systems and public education that Samaritan's Purse and other NGO's have put in place will keep the numbers down.
The world is seeing more than its share of misery..... The earthquake in New Zealand levelling Christchurch, the revolution in Egypt and other middle eastern countries. Libya, and of course the catastrophe in Japan. It is hard to where God would have you turn your attention and hand.
My daughter Robin and I have just finished watching Schindlers List - a remarkable and encouraging story about the difference one person can make. While onbviously the holocast in World War II was not a natural disaster, it is my hope that we become aware of the humanitarian disasters taking place around the globe, we take it to heart that one person, a regular person, can make a difference. And many regular people doing something can make a huge difference.
As Samaritan's Purse says: Pray. Give. Get Involved.
My next travel, unless God puts another mission in my path, will be to Scotland and maybe a side trip to Ireland. I am hoping to go the last week in April and first week in May. But you never know...last time I had the urge to go to Scotland (in January) I ended up in Haiti!!