In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Live Streaming

What does Live Streaming mean to you?

Probably most would say live streaming means data streams coming across on your laptop or PC enabling you to watch movies, TV shows, news, and listen to music.

It has a new meaning for me.

When I left home to begin the journey to Haiti, many thoughts and prayers went with me - but physically, I was by myself. At the same time, in Canada, the US, and the UK, others were preparing and beginning their journeys to Haiti as well. As the aircraft streaked towards the gathering points, I wondered how we would know each other - those going as part of the Samaritan's Purse team. I got as far as Dallas-Fort Worth Airport before I knew the answer. While waiting for my bag by the baggage carousel in the airport, I hear a voice asking, "Are you going to Haiti?", and turned to meet HA. Was excited to meet both H and J from Calgary, Alberta, who were also going to Haiti for Samaritan's Purse! yay!!

H was making her second trip to Haiti, and her husband J, his first. Ahhhh it so settled my nerves to meet them! To travel with a veteran very sweet!

The next day we met up at the airport in DFW, and continued our journey to Miami. On the plane, I was sat next to a physician on her way to Nicauragua to work in a clinic assisting women who have been damaged by sexual assault in Managua. Wow! In front of me, an older lady, very enthusiastic, and on her way to supervise the building of a church in Columbia. WOW! Help on the way, so many different places!

In Miami, J, H, and I enjoyed a quick meal together, and had the opportunity to start to get to know each other. I felt so shepherded by their presence, and willingness to chat and share.

When it was time to board the flight to Port au Prince, the flight was very full. As we made our way down the bridge to the aircraft, I started to notice the people. And the t-shirts. So many different 'missions' - Habitat for Humanity. Unicef. Samaritan's Purse. And many smaller ones - individual church groups and organizations. The plane jammed with them all!

As I tried (without success) to jam my backpack into an overhead bin (Thank you J for helping me out here!) I had a great view of everyone on the plane. A huge mosaic of helpers....and I felt so humbled by it. All this help streaming to Haiti...... LIVE STREAMING!!

Obviously an emotional journey, and to see so many others going as well, amazing. When the Captain of the aircraft welcomed the humanitarian folk on board I had a hard time not losing my composure.

Humbling. Exciting. Pride in the people who would come and work. WOW!!!

My hope is that Haiti will stay in the news and in people's minds. We cannot stop helping.... it is making a difference!