In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Friday, October 1, 2010

Home and recovering

Wow - home now and can't believe it really is 4 days or so since I posted last! I had thought I would have had lots of time to catch up on the blog while I was in London for 3 nights, and had the best of intentions....... but strangely the wireless service at the hotel in London was dealy slow for uploading photos, so I gave up! (Plus, I was so busy shopping, ha ha ha ha). Have I ever mentioned how much fun shopping is in London? One of the biggest and craziest cities on this planet? I believe there are deep skid marks on my visa card now from the experience.... (not really, but you get where I am going with that!).

So I will pick up the story from flying out on the 27th of Sept bound for London. I found a really cool old hotel to stay in that is in the district next to the one the Queen lives in..... and yes, very posh and cool. An old 4 floor Victorian walk up, billed as a 'private members club and hotel'. Just as you would expect from such a thing, the hotel was very glamorous and a real experience. Look it up at: and you will see how ridiculously beautiful and quirky this place was. I did take a couple pics on my phone as I didn't want to seem TOO much like a tourist, as I was working very hard on pretending I was not totally in awe of the place - you know - like I am cool or something - and was too embarrased to whip out my camera ha ha ha. Anyway, google it and see..........

The nicest thing about it was how they treated you - and of course the huge bathtub, a real luxury in travel in the UK, as showers are really the norm there.

So the first night - I had a bath.... and drank alot...... then slept like the princess I am - oh never mind, actually I guess I am old enough to graduate to Queen....... with the 72 pillows that filled the bed and watched a really strange movie about Hitler....... then spent the next couple days pretty much just walking around seeing the local sights. (Oh, and shopping.... did I mention that the shopping in London is FAB - oh I did say that already????? ha ha ha).

Did jump on and off the tube a few times, and as always totally enjoy that, very efficient and the people watching is just nuts - - folk in London don't really talk to anyone else, and is really funny to just strike up a conversation with someone on the tube as they so totally don't expect it. (Felt like wearing a button that said - don't mind me - I am Canadian and prone to outbreaks of friendliness).

So London was fun, but I was ready to make my way home when the time came. Maybe it was a good buffer between Scotland and Canada, as I may not have come home at all had I had to leave direct from Scotland.

Flights were good, but all the hurrying up and waiting at airports in through security etc etc make one weary. And I definitely left a piece of my heart in Scotland so another trip there is a certainty. No untoward events on the planes, so I was consigned to economy class, which is alright I guess since I seem to have slept half the long flight anyway.

So as I have in the past, I will add more pictures to the blog and also some information pieces about some of the places I went to see. I have an outstanding video of some wild coastal weather that I have been trying to upload here, and hope I am successful, as it was pretty impressive. Otherwise you will just have to drop around for tea and I will bore you with the photos and video in person ha ha ha.

So, for your viewing enjoyment, I will flesh out the blog some with more drivel!