Well, ok, just trains really today - - - depart for the westcoast of Scotland today around 1 by rain to see my relatives, Maureen and Reid Ross. Very excited to meet them, and have heard a rumour that we could be going to the pub quiz night tonight.... so hopefully won't be a daft article when there!! Looking forward to seeing the countryside go by on the train - the trains here very smooth and sweet - cheap too! Plan is to stay a couple nights and then find my way back to Edinburgh and then for the last 3 nights in London. I promise to flesh out the blog more while in London, computer access a little sketchy here at times, and have really been too busy living the adventure to actually write about the adventure, hahahahaha. This morning I am off to the port of Eyemouth or St. Abbs to see the ocean in its storm majesty - big gale blowing last night and today. Impressive, proper Scottish weather !!!
Am hoping to take some good photos of the wild water, but we will see!! Don't worry... I will hold on tight to the pier........