In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting Ready! T= 11 days till blast off!

Welcome to my Everlong Adventure......
Called after a great tune from the Foo Fighters, and significant to me in that life is an Everlong adventure, and should always be appreciated in that spirit! I have been busy re-discovering so many things..... music........ my own adventurous spirit, yes, it is still there, alive and well..... and soon - new places!

"Blogging" is brand new to me..... and it does seem a little like bragging....!!
The purpose of this one, is to write about the experience of breaking with the everyday, and keeping friends and family up on the adventure of travel and new life!

I have been very fortunate in my life to have done some travelling, and am looking forward to "Going Abroad" to see Europe. I took the plunge 01 December 2009 and booked a ticket to London, England. And so I shall - 01 February 2010!!

The flight leaves Prince George, BC, Canada 01 February in the morning, and I will spend the day and night in transit to Heathrow Airport in London, England 02 February at around 1:oo pm GMT. For those in Western Canada, GMT is +8 hours to our Pacific Standard Time, for those in the Eastern time zones...... well, I know you can do the math!!

The flight from Prince George to Vancouver, lasting only an hour, will put me into YVR fairly early in the day (1040), and I have opted to spend the day in Air Canada's Maple Leaf Lounge, which is truly a treat, before boarding the flight to London late in the evening (1815).

So, preparations to date for the trip, are:
Trusty old suitcases out of the garage- two

Read all the crazy new security gyrations in place!! Hopefully by the time I fly no new restrictions will be in place, and we will all be able to keep our underwear on for the flights.......

Have searched out and found some interesting "Canadian" gifts to bring with me - Olympic scarves, pins, Canadian flag pins (thanks for finding these Afton!!), and of course some small bottles of maple syrup :)

Bought a lovely red Olympic coat to wear that says CANADA across the front, so there will be no mistaking where I am from!!

Lots of great music downloaded to my Ipod, in an attempt to amuse myself on the long flight!
Planning to take my laptop, and some DVD's as well.......
And a good book.......or two....... (did I mention that I am not the biggest fan of flying??)

In progress........
Still looking for a decent long raincoat to take with me..... but ...... it isn't the best season to be searching for such things here in the middle of Canadian winter. Perhaps will chase one down in London!

Getting the house ready for Nicole to move into for 16 days!

What to wear?? Help..... I need a fashion consultant!!