In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Friday, April 23, 2010

to London and back!

Well, a little while since I sat and wrote... sorry about that! Left for London on Wednesday morning by train from Southampton, a very pleasant journey. The trains here so smooth and nice. Very interesting to see the countryside from the rails, as you see it differently than you would on the highways. Got to London, and as I have been before, completely awed by the station there, and the comings and going of so many people, and yet there does seem to be some sort of chaotic order to it...? Anyway, hopped on the tube (yay!) and found the way to just half a block from the hotel, a nice little bed and breakfast hotel, and handy because it was so close to the tube. Checked in, compained about the room, got another one, and off running to see the south bank of the Thames, gardens, and just general gandering around. Found some wonderful shops in the train station, and bought some cheeses, breads, tomatoes, and some very tasty shortbread for dinner at the hotel, and also visited Covent Garden Market, which was fun to look around. While there, bought a ticket to the live stage show "Grease" for that night. The show was very good, and I totally enjoyed the music! On the way back from the show, stopped to buy some snacks and a bottle of red wine, and headed back to the hotel.

Next morning I got up, was a little home sick (I hate that...) and it took me a little while to get going. Off to the Ace Cafe in London, which is a very cool cafe that caters to bikers and car enthusiasts of all kinds.... this is one you should google.......
It has a very interesting history!!

Then it was off to the British Museum, which was truly extraordinary.... collections from every time period imaginable..... pretty overwhelming!! Wandered through there for a couple hours, then took a leisurely stroll through the big park next to the museum, and had a nap on the grass in the sun. (aye, that is becoming a habit!!)

Did more walking around the town, along the south bank, which is incredible... the London Eye is there (should google that as well!!) and the waterfront is just so busy and there is soooo much to see!!

I was excited to go on the "Jack the Ripper walking tour" of London.... but chickened out in the end.... was a bit worried it would be too scary.... but my legs were too tired by that point in the day. Next time!! So instead, I headed back to Leister Square (beautiful, vibrabt!!) and sat outside at a Mexican cafe and enjoyed natchos and margaritas and people watched. Wandered around Leister Square and Piccadilly Circus areas, took in the sights, and then got back to the hotel to collect the bag and head off on the tube to the train station. Got back in to Southampton around 1130, and back to Hythe by midnight. Tons of fun... slept pretty well..... all worn out!

I am catching up on some laundry and of course some e-mail and downloading pictures to the blog.

I am off to the High Street in Hythe shortly to go to the store to pick up some wine and supplies for the weekend on the Isle of Wight. I am totally enjoying my picnic backpack, and plan to use it again this weekend. Ferry for the Isle of Wight leaves at 6:30 tonight, so that's when I will be on my way. Back Sunday night. There is wireless at the hotel there, so I will update from there.