In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Thursday, February 25, 2010


I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Stonehenge. Was an interesting visit, and as I walked around the site, the light changed, it was around 4 pm. The sky darkened with cloud, and the pictures I took really changed as we went around, was very cool!!!

I will post a few more pics of Stonehenge, and here is a little history about it......


"Laugh not so lightly, King, for not lightly are these words spoken. For in these stones is a mystery, and a healing virtue against many ailments. Giants of old did carry them from the furthest ends of Africa and did set them up in Ireland what time they did inhabit therein. And unto this end they did it, that they might make them baths therein whensoever they ailed of any malady, for they did wash the stones and pour forth the water into the baths, whereby they that were sick were made whole. Moreover they did mix confections of herbs with the water, whereby they that were wounded had healing, for not a stone is there that lacketh in virtue of leechcraft"

And Layamon, a 13th century British poet, also speaks of the healing quality of Stonehenge.

"The stones are great
And magic power they have
Men that are sick
Fare to that stone
And they wash that stone
And with that water bathe away their sickness"

Stonehenge is located on the Salisbury Plain. It is a great mystery who built this massive stone circle. Theories include Druids, the Greeks, U.F.O.s and Atlanteans. Although the bigger mystery is why they built stonehenge. Some say it was a sacrificial altar or that it was an astronomy tool, back in the 18th century it was even proposed that stonehenge was used as a gallows.
What we do know about Stonehenge is that it is aligned to many astronomical events. One alignment is the sun on the summer solstice rising directly over the heel stone (A on the diagram) viewed from the Altar stone (B on the diagram).

Stonehenge lies on the largest ley line in Britain. This ley line runs down the longest portion of Britain. Fourteen or so other ley lines meet at Stonehenge. (Ley lines are lines of burial mounds, stone circles and religious sites that are lined up in a straight line across the countryside. It is thought that along these ley lines are paths of energy that the early people who built on these ley lines knew about. There is a extremely long ley line that runs across the longest straight line distance in Britain, that ley also runs through Stonehenge) Cool!!

Stonehenge was built in three parts over a period of 1000 years. The first part was just a mound, ditch and aubrey holes that were dug to make a circle. The second was when timbers were erected systematically all inside the circle. The third was when the lentel stones were erected and the bluestones set up into the Stonehenge we see today.

Facts About Stonehenge

Stonehenge was built between 3100 – 1100 BCE.
The circle was aligned with the midsummer sunrise, the midwinter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon.
The ground plan and structural engineering of Stonehenge incorporate sophisticated mathematical and geometrical understandings on the part of its builders.
There were two types of stones used in its construction: the ‘bluestones’ (weighing as much as four tons and brought from 240 miles away) and the Sarsen stones (averaging eighteen feet in height and twenty-five tons in weight).
It has been estimated that the construction of Stonehenge required more than thirty million hours of labor.
More than nine hundred stone rings exist in the British Isles. Of these, Stonehenge is the most well known.
The megalithic monuments of Britain and Europe predate those of the eastern Mediterranean, Egyptian, Mycenaean and Greek cultures.