In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday - Paris - how amazing is that???

Well, in Paris.... what a crazy, vivacious, vibrant, incredibly interesting place!!! Got into Paris on the Eurostar train last night which was an experience all itself - blasting through the English and then Parisien countryside on a train probably going 200 km/hr......... we were going along side a highway... and we were smoking past all the traffic doing highway speed.... LOL.... I actually took a short video to prove this!!!!! Will post that if I can figure out how!!!

Got to the train station, and then figured out how to get a cab, find the hotel, and check in - all en francais..... boy I wished I had paid better attention in French class hahahaha!! Have been able to make out most things on a restaurant menu, so are doing fine with the language thing..... was funny last night tho - eating at a Lebanese restaurant in Paris..... what a delish meal, tho I really have no idea what it was!!!! When I ordered wine, the young waiter who took our order would then run out the door across the street to get the wine...... was funny to see, he would come back, open the wine, and deposit it on the table :) The restaurant must have an understanding with the wine shop!!!

Made my way back to the hotel, and enjoyed the room,in a tall thin building, on the fifth floor, with a little balcony and (of course) french doors!! Lovely to have a little bathtub, and because it is so cool outside, also a 'fridge' to keep the wine cool and the cheese and pepper salami good (lifes a bitch, aint it?? hahahaha). Bed very comfy, and it is very close to the metro system (underground subway, aka 'tube' in Britain)

Figured out how to buy tube tickets and studied the metro map.... and off to Notre Dame this morning. Immense...... medieval....... austere.......... and a little daunting. Can imagine it through the centuries...... and picture taking was allowed, so will attempt to put some pics on here as well.

Weather has been apparently unseanonably cold here, and it was snowing when I got up and out.... not enough to stay, but certainly enough to wear a hat and mitts.

I checked out the Louvre (biggest museum in the world) which will be open Wednesday, and also our wine tasting class, which was mistakenly booked on a Tuesday will take place tomorrow. Apparently Tuesday not such a good day as things are closed. However, in finding where the winetasting venure is, I located a WONDERFUL little store that happens to have a few lovely cheese, good olive oils (tasted 4), and wine, of course. Gathered up some bounty there to enjoy tonight for dinner, and I spied a most beautiful light yellow, pitcher....... so now I need to figure out how to get that home safely........hmmmmmmm

So as I sit writing to you, I can say that Paris completely delights...... and while the weather is colder than usual, even the snowflakes seemed alright....... made one think a little of how life must have been through the centuries for those who were not born to priviledge.... life must have been very difficult at times. And yet out of thsoe same times came cathedrals and buildings of such grandeur it is hard to imagine they were crafted by ordinary people.

The colours are vivid here, the life busy..... and yet such beauty is everywhere.

I turn to look out the window of our 5th floor hotel room, and gaze out into the night and see my 'neighbours' in their apartments, and the chimneys rising from each little place. White shutters on every window, and people racing home for their evening meals with baguettes of bread tucked under their arms (yes, really....)

I am getting ready to go have a bath, and then will enjoy my dinner tonight....... pepper salami, two kinds of fresh bread baked today, cherry tomatoes, fresh radishes, Parisien butter, two kinds of cheese, lemon olive oil, and of course, red wine!

I bid you good night!!

MWAH!!! (On both cheeks - very FRENCH you know!!!)