In the words of Ewan MacGregor, "The Long Way Down"

I feel that this is where I belong, to be seeing what I am seeing, and meeting the people I am meeting. I feel I absolutely belong in this moment - it's where I should be. And luckily it's where I find myself. -Ewan MacGregor, The Long Way Down


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday - Highlights of Southampton

Weather today, still a little rainy, Good fine English weather :) not cold, and NO SNOW!! Headed off to Southampton to John Lewis (fancy department store) and enjoyed breakfast overlooking Ikea and Southampton water, with all of its shipping interests, varied and interesting sights to be seen.........

Then off on a car tour of the city, saw the Bar Gate which was the original entrance to the city built sometime around the 1100's..... impressive fortification! And beautiful still..... now located in the middle of the city due to the city growing around it. Pictures to come.....

Walked around Southampton a little bit... found a bank machine that worked for me... then off the quay, and Mayflower park.... yes, the same Mayflower as in the Plymouth Rock American Thanksgiving people!! The ship "Mayflower" departed from Southampton, as well did the Titanic, with somewhat less of an outcome........ saw the Calshot light ship which was used for many years as a portable lighthouse (moored) off the end of the Calshot spit (basically a gravel bar extending from the land out into the water - an oops for boats apparently), which juts out into the Solent (a large estuary)

Buzzed by St. Mary's Stadium, the stadium where the Southampton Saints football club play (also saw the training grounds for the Saints closer to Marchwood).

Came back for a little rest -supposed to be sleeping - tried. tried some more.. gave up....

Then off to Calshot Beach, walked on the beach, lovely pebble and shell beach...OoOOOOh very lovely rocks and shells.... little beach huts - all well kept and pretty!! Looked across the solent to see the Isle of Wight, and watched the ferry boats crossing, saw the big hangars built during the second world war, and did some work designing and building flying boats - google names like - Sopwith, Schneider, Sunderland - very large flying boats. Saw Calshot Castle, with its matching in-ocean counterparts seen off the coastline.

Then off to the country, down to Lepe beach, and Beaulieu village (reputedly, though not proven to be the home of Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler - we will stalk him later..... )
Crossed into the edge of the News Forest, with all its common land use animals - ponies, cows, and pigs! Very beautiful landscape....... gorgeous coastline...... Saw the estate of Lord Montague at Beaulieu, astonishing!! The Village is beautiful, many gorgeous old houses, all of brick and stone!!

Then of to Lymington, and character town, and looked at the High Street, filled with interesting and varied shops. Did some grocery shopping there in a very nice, high end grocery store, and picked up fixings for dinner, which we took back to Peter's to make. Enjoyed cooking together and then watched Love, Actually and enjoyed our dinner. Headed back to the hotel for a bath, and we are tucked in watching TV and writing the blog. Peter isn't feeling well, has developed a bit of a cold.

Has been a lovely day, the surroundings beautiful, verdant and green, and the company warm, and hmmmmmmmm.

Will make a concerted effort to get the camera going! If I can sleep tonight I make be back on track.